4500+ vulnerable children with disabilities have been awarded scholarships.
3000+ Vulnerable women and children with disabilities have received wheelchairs.
95 home have been built for homeless PWDs.
Over 6755 PWDs have been trained in civic education and participatory budgeting,
Provided HIV counselling services and testing to over 10000+ disabled women and linked the positives to care.
Reached over 13000+ disabled women with messages on HIV prevention.
Provided psychosocial support to about 2000 disabled women.
4200 Disabled women and their children were trained in candle making , weaving and making crafts.
1735 Disabled women trained in tailoring and embroidery.
Provided HIV and STI testing and screening services to over 150 sex workers in Kireka, Kinawataka and Bweyogere trading centers and linked the positive ones to care.
Over 1200+ Community and health workers trained.
Contributed to the disability-sensitive policy making process at the national level.